Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sand Hallow lake, and camping!

We went to sand hallow, about 30 minutes away from where we lived. We had SO much fun! This is the first time I (and the kids) had been camping as a family! (well mom and Jordan decided that they would like to stay home and sleep in a bed....)

Silly Ali..... she didn't want a normal picture... of course not, that would be to BORING!

I got to invite some friends.. it was a lot of fun!! In this picture Ashelyn, Me, Karlee.... Maegan came too, but she is not in this picture.

the kids hiding in the tall reeds....

This was a really cool place to take pictures.
Best Friends FOREVER!!I think that this is one of my favorite pictures from that day. ( Maegan on the left, and me on the right)
I love that way all of the picture turned out!

The water was perfect! Not to hot, not to cold....

She would not even hold still for a picture.. but I kinda like this one.We love little Brett. He is growing up so fast! of course he does everything that Ali does, and if Ali doesn't have time for pictures, neither does he..... Ha~ha
Ali and Brett had a lot of fun. They would take the reeds and whip each other... that stopped right after Brett got hurt...

After getting wet we built a fire.... it was so much fun! and yes we did eat smores, but no the kind that you are used too. We put banana's and carob chips on graham crackers... it was pretty good but not my favorite.

there were million's of little bugs! they were like baby misquito's or they were knats. either one, they were annoying, they would swarm above your head and follow you every where!!
(you can kind of see them above my dads head)

Brett had fun with the fire.

Brett got a flaming stick from the fire and used it to chase away the bugs.... Ha~ha He saved us all!!

we took cover from the bugs under our towel....

The bugs were everywhere! Can you see the little black dots? yep, those are all bugs. Next time we will bring bug spray!

hehe, Me and Karlee, smushed banana between our teeth.... haha, you are never to old to do that! haha

We had so much fun this weekend.. but a hint to any one who wants to spend a night outside...



  1. Hey Bonnie,
    Who’s the photographer what great pictures!! That place looks like a fun place to go camping. I like camping too but Danielle & Eddie don’t. I like your camera it does so many different things. Everyone looks like they’re having fun Ali and Bret are growing wow what a beautiful place to camp. Until next time. Georgia

  2. That was so fun! :) lol, ESPECIALLY Ashelyns 'boyfriends'!
